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Customer experience

Single sign-on – a critical component of customer feedback management 

Customer feedback data can be just as critical to your business as any other business data. After all, it provides insights into what customers think are the strong and weak points in your customer experience, potentially revealing your competitive edge. 

In connection to customers who give feedback and provide contact details, customer feedback data is also liable for penalties in case of non-compliance of security and privacy regulations. 

The cost of security

Compromised credentials were the most common initial attack vector in 2022, facilitating 19% of all data breaches. A study by IBM and the Ponemon Institute reveals that the average cost of a data breach has reached a record high of US$ 4.45 million in 2023, therefore, handling user credentials with relevant and adequate security measures is critical for business continuity. 

Organizations with a well-designed incident response plan reduced data breach damage costs by 61%, paying a US% 2.66 million less than the global average. So, it is good practice to ask for penetration test results and inquire about security processes while making purchase decisions about cloud software. After all, you want to make sure the vendor will and can commit to fixing deviations if they occur. 

And it is not only about cost – it is also about lost brand reputation, and lost business. Trust can typically only be lost once… 

Single sign-on as an element of data security

So, with compromised credentials playing such a critical role in security breaches, why would you not demand customer feedback data to be handled with the same care you pay to other systems and data?  

Using single sign-on (SSO) is a best practice you should not overlook. After all, using SSO is a requirement for using two-factor authentication, which in turn is becoming table-stakes for any security conscious business. Using two-factor authentication not only improves security, but also provides a more convenient and easy way to use the services available. Moreover, ensuring the security and privacy of your feedback data is not only critical to guard your critical information, but also a way to ensure data quality and accuracy. 

PDF: 8 Questions to ask about security

HappyOrNot SSO

HappyOrNot supports SSO and SAML 2.0. It will allow users to log in using their own passwords defined in e.g. Microsoft Azure AD, Okta, AWS SSO, and Google, asking for confirmation through the related solution such as Authenticator. Once our customers have put SSO into practice for their users, the users will only be able to log in using the two-step authentication method, making it much harder to steal user credentials.  

Want to take advantage of appropriate security standards for your customer feedback solution? Contact us for more details.  

Here are some critical questions to ask your customer feedback solution provider.

  • Customer experience
