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Customer feedback tips

HappyOrNot Academy: Become a feedback expert  

Customer feedback is an essential tool for understanding the real experience your business offers. But can you set up the feedback collection in a way that produces the maximum amount of quality feedback? Can you analyze and interpret that feedback efficiently to find out what’s critical or urgent?  

HappyOrNot comes with easy-to-use yet powerful Analytics to discover the pain points and highlights of your customers. But to get the most out of the tool, it needs to be used correctly. Introducing HappyOrNot Academy, a new free resource for all HappyOrNot users and administrators that will make you the expert in using Analytics to improve your business. 

What is HappyOrNot Academy? 

HappyOrNot Academy is an online learning platform where you can take courses and get certified as a HappyOrNot user or administrator, giving you the necessary tools to measure and analyze customer feedback. The learning paths are designed to provide you with all the necessary basics of getting the benefit from HappyOrNot.  

Whether it’s about optimizing the placement of Smileys to maximize feedback, setting your own targets, taking necessary action, or sharing and collaborating with staff and customers to engage them, HappyOrNot Academy covers it all in short videos. You’ll also have access to sessions about new features, monthly themed webinars, and recurring Analytics training webinars.

How can I benefit from HappyOrNot Academy? 

HappyOrNot Academy will help you use our solution efficiently, ensuring continuous feedback volumes and useful insights. You’ll get access to self-learning and live webinars run by professional trainers. 

Head of Global Training at HappyOrNot, Nilufer Piirainen, explains: “We take pride in our Academy and the way it can support all types of learners with different formats of learning. Customers will gain more value from their investment as they can consistently use the HappyOrNot service to improve their operations based on data insights. The insights help them engage staff, optimize operations, and improve the overall customer experience so they can transform their business for the better.” 

Want to learn more? Contact us today. 

  • Customer experience
  • Customer feedback tips
