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Customer feedback tips

Give thanks to your customers and employees, every day

By Kirsti Laasio | HappyOrNot

It’s that time of the year when we stop to thank customers for their business and employees for their contribution. But why not say Thank You every day?

First and foremost, without customers, a business can’t exist.

[clickToTweet tweet=”How happy your customers are about your business gives insights about your future success. ” quote=”How happy your customers are about your business, brand, and offering gives insights about your future success. “]

Customer feedback tells you whether you have succeeded or not.

Take care of your customers by listening to them and engaging with them, because they will motivate and inspire you to perform better than before. When you listen, you gain knowledge that can be turned into guidance for ways to improve your offerings and elevate your business. For this reason, customers deserve our continuous thanks, and a great customer experience.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Remember, customer retention is more important and less costly than acquisition.” quote=”Remember, customer retention is more important and less costly than acquisition, so appreciate the relationship you have with them.”]

However, Thank You’s aren’t just for your customers – you should also thank your employees. Employees feel committed at work when they know their work has meaning. Letting your employees know the ways in which their work matters to you, the company, or their colleagues, helps keep them engaged and excited about their work. The benefits are reciprocated to your business by their strengthened commitment, engagement, passion, productivity, and more.

There are many ways to say thank you to your employees, as nicely demonstrated in this infographic by the Leadership Hub, and when you do it promotes feelings of appreciation and happiness for recognition of their work. So consider thanking your employees more than once or twice a year – make a New Year’s resolution to say Thank You every day!

Gratitude goes a long way. This means also thanking you as a reader and appreciating you taking the time to read our blog posts. We also want thank all our awesome guest bloggers for their valuable insights and contributions throughout this year: Shep Hyken, Pamela Herrmann, Jeanne Bliss, Denise Lee Yohn, Richard R. Shapiro, and Annette Franz.

We at HappyOrNot have a mission to make people happier – one Smiley at a time, and together we can improve experiences, for both customers and employees, worldwide.

  • Customer feedback tips
